Can music be made “independently” in the 21st century?
More than a generation of musicians, music workers, and music companies have now been operating in the context of the profound shifts in music production and dissemination in the “digital era.” Scholarly focus on musical independence has often been centered on genres, like punk and indie, rooted in the US and UK. This volume, focused outside the Euro-American context, shows the variety of ways musicians, music workers and businesses manage the economic, media and cultural shifts propelled by digitalization, asking what it means now to say one is “independent.” It brings together scholars from around the globe who are researching forms of music production, circulation, consumption and finance that blur the boundaries between the dominant corporate players and “independent” cultural production. With chapters detailing popular music in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Cuba, Indonesia, Portugal, Spain and Taiwan, independence is shown to be a concept and practice simultaneously nebulous, contradictory, and practical.
List of Figures Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Putting Music Independence into Perspective: An Historical and Global Overview By Pedro Belchior Nunes, Shannon Garland, and Pedro Roxo Part I: Labels, Genres and Mediations Chapter 2: Independent, Alternative, Autonomous: Brazilian Experiences with Recorded Music in the Digital Age By Marcia Tosta Dias Chapter 3: Clean Feed Jazz Label: “Wrong but Strong.” “Independent” Music Production and the Continued Commercialization of Cds in the Global 21st Century By Pedro Roxo Chapter 4: From the Ghetto to the World: Batida, the Nexus Príncipe Discos-Filho Único and the Legitimization of Afrodiasporic Music Practices From the Outskirts Of Lisbon By Pedro Belchior Nunes and Otávio Raposo Chapter 5: Independence is Our Only Choice: Associations and Collectives as Micro-Independent Record Labels in Galicia (2010-2020) By Cibrán Tenreiro Uzal Part II: Government Funding, Self-Management and the Corporatization of Independence Chapter 6: Rising Under DIY Entrepreneurship and “Subsidyism”: Taiwan’s Indie Music in the 21st Century By Miaoju Jian Chapter 7: From Crisis to Reinvention: Independent Music in Argentina Post-2001 By Victoria Irisarri and Ornela Boix Chapter 8: Funk De São Paulo: An Independent Music Production Circuit on the Outskirts of a Brazilian Metropolis By Eduardo Vicente and Leonardo De Marchi Chapter 9: Independent of a Wage: Volunteering to Industrialize Indie for Sofar Sounds By Shannon Garland Part III: Political Regimes, Independent Ethos & Forms of Music Organization Chapter 10: Juvenile Pleasures, Embodied Fights: The Pokemón Scene and the Early Reggaetón Industries in Chile, 2004-2010 By Ana María Díaz Pinto Chapter 11: From College Campus to Superbad!—A Trajectory of an Indie Movement in Indonesia By Rizky Sasono Chapter 12: Sneaking Across the Digital Divide: Usb Sticks and the Infrastructure of Independent Cuban Music By Mike Levine Afterword by Timothy D. Taylor List of Contributors
Shannon Garland is Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Pittsburgh. Her research draws on economic anthropology, social reproduction theory and Marxism to examine the transnational indie music industry across the US and Latin America. She has published on music venues & social media; Spotify playlists; sociality, aesthetics and politics; and labor, value and commodification. Pedro Belchior Nunesis an integrated researcher at the Institute of Ethnomusicology (INET-md), New University of Lisbon and a Guest Lecturer with Lisbon’s Open University. He has researched and published several articles on topics such as music journalism and criticism, the recording industry in Portugal and questions of sustainability in independent labels and musicians. Pedro Roxo is Assistant Professor on graduate and postgraduate courses focusing on Ethnomusicology, Jazz, and Popular Music Studies and an integrated researcher at the Institute of Ethnomusicology at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, New University of Lisbon, Portugal. He is co-editor of Current Issues in Music Research: Copyright, Power and Transnational Music Processes (2012).
Reviews for Independence in 21st-Century Popular Music: Cases from Beyond Anglo-America
Engaged, rigorous research; impeccable editing; scintillating, essential and illuminating reading for anyone who's interested in the political economy of music. * Simon Frith, Emeritus Professor, University of Edinburgh, UK *