India, one of the oldest civilisations, is a constitutionally secular country and the largest democracy in the world. Today, the country finds itself grappling with growing religious intolerance and human rights violations under the Hindutva-influenced Modi-led regime. The religious-racial supremacist policies, mob lynching and brutal gang rapes in the name of religion and caste or otherwise are making recurrent headlines. The peaceful existence of targeted minorities has become increasingly challenging while human rights organisations are raising serious concerns. Its alleged involvement in assassination plots on foreign soil against its critics and self-proclaimed enemies is adding perplexities over its role as a responsible state. This portrayal of India starkly contrasts with the ideals of religious pluralism and inclusivity championed by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru and Dr B. R. Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution. One is left to ponder what has led secular India to evolve into a state characterised by human rights violations and whether religious extremism will entirely overshadow the secular ethos of Indian society and disrupt peace both regionally and globally.
In this book, an artefact of seven years of research, the author, Danish Javeed, provides readers with an opportunity to see beyond the surface and explore how nationalist ideologues can hijack the world's largest democracy. Moreover, he also delves into how continuous mental conditioning in the name of religion, caste, and nationalism can breed dark obsessions and create an environment of hatred, thus damaging secular ethos.