Gorm Winther, MSc in Economics, Ph.D., is a retired professor at Aalborg University and previously Greenland University, consultant to Østfold University College, Norway. Previously, in the Participation, Workers' Control, Workers Self-management, and Self-Government course, he was a Course Director and a resource person at the Interuniversity Centre of Postgraduate Studies, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia, and later Croatia from 1984 to 1999. He was a visiting researcher in the Participation and Labor-managed Systems program at the Department of Economics at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York. From 1998 to 2015, he was a Board member of the European Federation of Employee Share Ownership, Brussels, where he is now an honorable member. Ívar Jónsson, Dr. Phil. Social Implication of Technical Change, University of Sussex, M.A. History and Philosophy of Social and Political Science, University of Essex, B.A. Social Science with History, University of Iceland, Fil. Kand. in Theories of Science at Gothenburg University. He is a former Professor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship and professor emeritus at Østfold University College. He has held Professor positions at Bifröst University, Iceland, as associate professor (docent) at Luleå University of Technology, Sweden, and as associate professor at Reykjavik University, Iceland, and the University of Greenland. He is also a former professor of political science at NORD University, Norway.