Dr. Joseph B. Ryan is the Sue Stanzione Distinguished Professor of ClemsonLIFE. He is the founder and Executive Director of the LIFE (Learning is for Everyone) program, a nationally recognized college transition program for young adults with intellectual disabilities. Dr. Kristina N. Randall is a Clinical Assistant Professor at Clemson University working specifically with the ClemsonLIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) program. Her research focuses on increasing post-school outcomes for those with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Erica Walters, Ed.S. has served as Program Director for the ClemsonLIFE Program at Clemson University for the past decade. She is a former Special Education Teacher, Behavior Interventionist, Autism Specialist, and Elementary Coordinator at the district level.
Creating and expanding opportunity are hallmarks of higher education. Postsecondary education programs for young adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities bring life to university students, programs, and missions. Higher education personnel interested in starting or expanding programs like our Integrative Community Studies program are given a lifeline with the information and guidance in this book. Its contents continue to inform us and I believe the various chapters will allow you to craft your own unique and life-giving program. Dr. Roland W. Mitchell, Dean College of Human Sciences & Education, Louisiana State University We have seen the tremendous value of inclusive education programmes in our own university with the Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities. The contributions in this volume highlight the importance of underpinning such initiatives with rigorous academic research, while also ensuring that the voices of people with intellectual disabilities are kept to the fore. Dr Linda Doyle, Provost & President, Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin.