""How did I get there?"" is a beautiful autobiography of redemption and testimony to how God can turn our lives upside down. In this book, Lawanna Daugherty takes you on the rollercoaster journey of her life-how she grew up enduring abuse at the hands of her father and how she went from being an escort to someone preaching God's words at the church. She discusses how God's love and her faith love set her free from the trauma of her past and gave her a new life. ""How did I get there?"" is for every person who's gone in the wrong direction while seeking love and acceptance. It depicts the agonizing journey that begins with abuse, denial, despair, trauma, and a desire to escape the sufferings, and then shifts to hope, healing, and a journey through God's designed way. The aim is to teach you that we all have gone through rough patches in our lives; we have made mistakes and taken wrong paths, but we should never lose hope, and there's always a way out of pain.