James Michael Lewis, 69, has lived a fulfilling life, marked by 40 years as an engineer and management consultant and his recent journey as a Christian author. Ministry-trained, Michael engages warmly with everyone he meets. He has been happily married for 34 years and is a proud father of four talented daughters, who, along with his faith in God and Jesus Christ, inspire and comfort him daily.Michael became a Christian in childhood and excelled in basketball, baseball, and mathematics throughout high school, earning top honors in a regional math tournament. At the University of Tennessee, he achieved a Master of Science degree, maintaining straight A's in mathematics.Professionally, Michael worked for Holston Defense Corporation and Eastman Chemical Company while running a consulting business. Over a five-year period, he successfully secured a $1.5 million U.S. Army contribution for medical and life insurance for over 2,000 Holston retirees and their families. His 15-year consultancy led to significant achievements, including state and national quality awards for Eastman and Pal's fast food stores and a U.S. Army worldwide quality award for Holston and the Army staff.Now retired, Michael focuses on his faith, family, and publishing four books he has authored. Dedicated to serving Christian needs and spreading love, he extends his best wishes to all.