Łukasz Jasiński is an Assistant Professor employed at the Faculty of Economics of the Maria Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin (Poland).
Łukasz Jasiński is a world expert both on Austrian Economics and on Private and Public Health Systems. With this third book he culminates a trilogy dedicated to the much needed analysis of the intellectual, practical and moral shortcomings of Public Health Systems, with special reference to the interventionism on the Health System of the United States before and after the ObamaCare. We find in Dr Jasiński’s Austrian Economics analysis a detailed and real life explanation on how one of the much praised elements of the so called Welfare State, the Public Health System, is not only dysfunctional and ill of interventionism but how it could very much improve in terms of cost, efficiency and results through the entrepreneurial creativity and spontaneous coordination of the free market system. With his effort to study urgent and real life problems with the Austrian School of Economics tool kit analysis, Jasiński has become a true model for young Austrian Scholars. Congratulations! - Jesús Huerta de Soto, Professor of Political Economy, King Juan Carlos University (Madrid, Spain) Most Americans do not understand why the health care system is in a deplorable state of disrepair. As Dr. Jasinski notes, many wrongly believe the American health care system is market-based because health insurance is not compulsory in the U.S. Yet state and federal governments have their fingers firmly wrapped around coverage and care decisions, starting with Medicare and Medicaid. Failure to see government intervention and intrusion as the root of the problem has the public searching in all the wrong places for solutions. This book looks squarely at the root of the problem with hope that true free-market solutions can be employed to prevent the American health care system from sliding into a single-payer “solution” that puts government in charge and patients in harm's way. - Twila Brase, RN, PHN, Co-founder and President of Citizens' Council for Health Freedom (CCHF)