Borko B. Djordjevic M.D., Ph.D. was born in Belgrade and after completing his medical degree at the University of Belgrade became a preeminent plastic surgeon in the U.S. His practice was located in Palm Springs and Beverly Hills California. He was named one of the team best plastic surgeons in the world by the BBC. His years of experience avoiding complications in cosmetic surgery are the core requisites for writing this book.As co-author, Dr. Dragan Cvetkovic was born in Serbia. He has a Ph.D. in economics and is employed in the Ministry of Interior of the Republic of Serbia where he works in combating financial crime. He is a member of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners and is a lecturer in courses on criminal investigation sponsored by the Ministry of the Interior of Serbia. His years of experience in criminal investigation combined with Dr. Djordjevic's knowledge of plastic surgery were the necessary requisites for authoring this handbook.