Kajetana M. Snopek received the M.Sc. degree in applied mathematics, the Ph. D. and the Dr.Sci. degrees in electronics from the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), Warsaw, Poland, in 1991, 2002 and 2014, respectively. She as an Associated Professor at WUT, with the Department of Electronics and Information Technology and the head of the Multimedia Engineering Division. She is the expert of the Telecommunications Section of the Committee of Electronics and Telecommunication of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the member of the Scientific Council for Technical Informatics and Telecommunications (WUT). In the past and currently, she serves as a member of programme committees of several scientific conferences organized in Poland and abroad. She is the co-author of several textbooks (in Polish) in signal and system theory and the co-author of the monograph edited by Artech House in 2017. Her research activities include signal theory and applications, time-frequency distributions and their extension to n-dimensional signals, hypercomplex signal analysis and image processing.