Volker Ziemann earned his PhD in accelerator physics from Dortmund University in 1990. After post-doctoral positions in Stanford at SLAC and in Geneva at CERN, where he worked on the design of the LHC, he moved to Uppsala in 1995 where he worked at the electron-cooler storage ring CELSIUS. In 2005 he moved to the physics department where he taught physics. Since 2024 he has been Director for Accelerator Education at Jefferson National Laboratory. He was responsible for several accelerator physics projects at CERN, DESY, and XFEL. In 2014 he received the Thuréus Prize from the Royal Society of Sciences in Uppsala. He was a member of Uppsala University’s senate, served on evaluation committees for the German ministry of research and the Canadian NSERC, is a member of the Scientific Council of the Helmholtz Institute in Mainz, and teaches at CERN accelerator schools. He authored four books and over 200 articles and reports.