Carlos Pintado is a poet, playwright, essayist, and fiction writer born in Cuba in 1974, who now lives in Miami. The author of over a dozen books, he won the Paz Prize from the National Poetry Series for his book Nine Coins/Nueve monedas, the Sant Jordi International Poetry Prize for his collection Habitaci�n a oscuras, and the Sundial House Book Translation Prize for Music for Bamboo Strings (translated by Lawrence Schimel). He has been published in the New York Times, World Literature Today, and Vogue, among other periodicals, and numerous composers and classical music groups have set to music and sung his poems. HaiCuba/HaiKuba is his debut work for younger readers. - Carlos Pintado es un poeta, dramaturgo y escritor de ensayos y de narrativa nacido en Cuba en 1974, que ahora vive en Miami. El autor de m�s de una docena de libros, ha ganado el Premio Paz del National Poetry Series para su poemario Nine Coins/Nueve monedas, el Premio Internacional de Poes�a Sant Jordi para su poemario Habitaci�n a oscuras y el Sundial House Book Translation Prize para Music for Bamboo Strings (traducido al ingl�s por Lawrence Schimel). Ha sido publicado en el New York Times, World Literature Today, and Vogue, entre otros, y varios compositores y grupos de m�sica cl�sica han puesto m�sica a y cantado sus versos. HaiCuba/HaiKuba es su �pera prima para lectores j�venes. Lawrence Schimel is a bilingual (Spanish/English) author and literary translator, who divides his time between his native New York and Madrid, Spain. He has published over 130 books as an author, which have won honors such as a Crystal Kite Award from the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, a White Raven from the International Youth Library in Munich, and have been chosen by IBBY for Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabilities (three times). He has also published over 160 books as a literary translator, into Spanish or English, which have won numerous distinctions, including a Batchelder Honor and a New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Book. - Lawrence Schimel es un escritor y traductor literario biling�e (espa�ol/ingl�s), que divide su tiempo entre su ciudad natal de Nueva York y Madrid, Espa�a. Ha publicado m�s de 130 libros como autor, que han ganado honores como un Premio Crystal Kite de la Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators, un White Raven de la Biblioteca Internacional Juvenil en Munich, y han sido elegido por IBBY para Outstanding Books for Young People with Disabi-lities (tres veces). Tambi�n ha publicado m�s de 160 libros como traductor, al espa�ol o al ingl�s, que han ganado muchos reconocimientos, como un Batchelder Honor y un New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Books. Juan Jos� Colsa is a Mexican illustrator and designer, born in Mexico City. He studied architecture at the UNAM, where he later taught as a professor. He has illustrated many children's books, and is even the author of a few. You can find more of his work as an illustrator and designer at the webpages: & - Juan Jos� Colsa es un ilustrador y dise�ador mexicano nacido en la Ciudad de M�xico. Estudi� arquitectura en la UNAM, donde luego fue tambi�n maestro. Ha ilustrado much�simos libros infantiles, e incluso es el autor de unos pocos. Se puede encontrar muestras de su trabajo como ilustrador y de dise�o editorial en las p�ginas web: &
""". . . the poetry is short but impactful. The pictures in the background are stunning, and add much to the poetry. The fact that the book is in both languages, allows children to read in one or the other or both.""-- ""Children's Literature"" ""This ingenious blend of cultural celebration and poetic artistry beautifully combines the essence of Cuba with traditional haiku, presenting a series of evocative poems that capture the spirit of the island. [. . .] A worthwhile book for children of Cuban ancestry, this is also a strong choice for introducing young readers to both Cuban culture and the art of haiku.""-- ""Booklist"""