Per Gahrton is a Swedish sociologist and politician, former MP and MEP of the Swedish Greens and (until 2014) and chair of the Green think tank Cogito. He was the 1985-89 co-secretary of the Coordination of European Greens. He has participated at all congresses of the Global Greens. His previous books include Georgia: Pawn in the New Great Game (Pluto, 2010).
With his long experience and deep insights in green politics, Per Gahrton - like no one else can - provides a comprehensive picture of the global green party family. An outstanding contribution. -- Claudia Roth, German Green Party MP and Vice President of the German Bundestag Per Gahrton's experience as a parliamentarian, organiser and activist combines with his skills as a journalist and sociologist to tell a wonderfully readable story. -- Sara Parkin, Founder Director of Forum for the Future and author of The Positive Deviant: Sustainability Leadership in a Perverse World (2010) Proves that Greens can indeed make a political difference and can be the real alternative needed by our countries. -- Frank Habineza, Founding President of the Democratic Green Party of Rwanda, President of the African Greens Federation and Executive Committee Member of the Global Greens Coordination A fascinating overview of key debates and developments, with unique insights into the internal life of green parties in Europe and across the world. -- Wolfgang Rudig, University of Strathclyde