Gene Moran is the President of Capitol Integration. He is a strategic advisor to defense and security companies who are selling to the federal government. His strategic influence has resulted in billions of dollars in federal sales for his clients. His firm, Capitol Integration, is recognized by Bloomberg Government as a Top-Performing Lobbying Firm, and by the National Institute for Lobbying & Ethics where he is designated a ""Top Lobbyist."" Gene is a Million Dollar Consulting Hall of Fame ® inductee and a recipient of the Corrie Shanahan Memorial Award for Advancing Consulting. Synthesizing his unique experience spanning decades, Gene guides companies through the arcane ways of Washington, DC, integrating his groundbreaking academic research of defense lobbying, deep military experience commanding US Navy ships and advising senior leaders, as well as leadership in corporate government relations. Gene understands and uses influence to educate and inform others while shaping great outcomes.