We are living in times of deep and disruptive change. Perhaps the most powerful vector of this change can be described by three related catchphrases: digitalization, artificial intelligence, and dataism. Drawing on considerable expertise from a wide range of scholars and practitioners, this interdisciplinary collection addresses the challenges, impacts, opportunities and regulation of this civilizational transformation from a variety of angles, including technology, philosophy, cultural studies, international law, sociology and economics. This book will be of special interest to scholars, students, analysts, policy planners, and decision-makers in think tanks, international organizations, and state agencies studying and dealing with the development and governance of disruptive technologies.
Henning Glaser is the director, German-Southeast Asian Center of Excellence for Public Policy and Good Governance (CPG), Thammasat University. Pindar Wong is an Internet pioneer and the former Chairman of VeriFi (Hong Kong) Ltd.