Megan MacKenzie is one of the world's leading experts on gender and the military. Her book Beyond the Band of Brothers: the US Military and the Myth that Women Can't Fight (2015) was a landmark contribution that shaped debates on gender integration and military culture. Since then, she has led international studies on military suicide, sexual violence, and women in combat roles.
'Megan MacKenzie is writing about us! The title might seem to put three militaries - the Canadian, Australian and US - on center stage. But her careful study of how we tell our own stories of military men's rapes of military women and military men shines a disturbingly bright light on our own complicity: we are the ones denying military realities. MacKenzie reveals how, repeatedly, we - civilians - choose the comfortable narratives that allow us to deny male soldiers' sexually abusive actions. After reading Good Soldiers Don't Rape, our comforting militarized denial should be harder for us to hold on to. That's the good news.' Cynthia Enloe, author of 'Twelve Feminist Lessons of War'