Katherine Willis CBE is Professor of Biodiversity in the Department of Biology and the Principal of St Edmund Hall, University of Oxford. She is also a Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords. Previous roles include Director of Science at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, and a member of the UK Government’s Natural Capital Committee. She has extensive broadcast experience and, in 2015, Kathy was awarded the Michael Faraday Medal for public communication of science from the Royal Society.
This lucid and entertaining book presents compelling scientific evidence that proves what many of us have perhaps long suspected: nature is really good for us. I found it revelatory -- Richard Deverell, Director of Kew We’ve all understood for years that spending time in nature makes us feel better. This brilliant and important book lays out the ground-breaking science behind the feeling. A critical tool arguing for us all to have access to diverse green spaces -- Rosie Boycott, author of OUR FARM Good Nature is a game-changer – the book that proves how living with plants transforms our lives. Beautifully written, masterfully explained, Kathy Willis reveals the cutting-edge science behind the power of flora to heal and sustain us – from forests to the humble house plant. I defy anyone to read this book and not embrace a life with plants! -- Isabella Tree, author of WILDING Loved it. It should be required reading for … anybody who values their health. Her engaging writing can’t help but change the way we look at the world and I will be astonished if any reader doesn’t change at least some habits to take advantage of the fascinating benefits she so clearly outlines -- John Cherry, founder of Groundswell