Lionel Stapley PhD is an organizational consultant and the Director of OPUS (An Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society) an educational charity that seeks to encourage the study of conscious and unconscious processes in society and institutions within it. He heads up the OPUS Group Processes Program; and is an organisational consultant working in the public and private sectors in the UK and in other countries with individuals, groups and sometimes whole organisations. He has a particular interest in organisational culture and change. He is also a member of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations, a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Personnel and Development (CFIPD), and a Chartered Fellow of the Institute of Management (FCIM).
In doing so, the author draws on comparisons with what is becoming known as 'the First Globalization' - the Industrial Revolution. The period of the Industrial Revolution was such that no parallels could be found in history and for the first time, the past ceased to throw its light upon the future; and this seems to most adequately describe what is happening today. An effect is to threaten the identity of Muslim societies who respond by mobilising groups such as Al Qaeda to commit acts of terrorism. Table of Contents:PREFACE CHAPTER ONE: The field of study: societal culturesCHAPTER TWO: The parallel worlds of Globalization and global Muslim terrorismCHAPTER THREE: The Industrial Revolution: the first GlobalizationCHAPTER FOUR: GlobalizationCHAPTER FIVE: The effect of Globalization on Western societiesCHAPTER SIX: An analysis of the effects of Globalization on non-Western societiesCHAPTER SEVEN: Exploring the effects of Globalization on inter-cultural relationships and relatednessABOUT THE AUTHORABOUT OPUSABOUT AGSLOREFERENCESINDEX