F. LeRon Shults is Professor at the Institute for Global Development and Planning at the University of Agder and Research Professor at the NORCE Center for Modeling Social Systems in Kristiansand, Norway. He is the author of Iconoclastic Theology: Gilles Deleuze and the Secretion of Atheism (EUP, 2014) and Practicing Safe Sects: Religious Reprodution in Scientific and Philosophical Perspective (Brill, 2018). He is co-editor of Deleuze and the Schizoanalysis of Religion (Bloomsbury, 2016).
Not since DeLanda's Philosophy and Simulation has there been so penetrating an analysis of the philosophic consequences of systems thinking. Shults has found the atheist machine and wants us all to know that there's no turning it off. --Wesley J Wildman, Boston University