This book on generalized functions is suitable for physicists, engineers and applied mathematicians. The author presents the notion of generalized functions, their properties and their applications for solving ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations. ... The author demonstrates through various examples that familiarity with generalized functions is very helpful for students in mathematics, physical sciences and technology. The proposed exercises are very good for better understanding of notions and properties presented in the chapters. The book contains new topics and important features. -Mathematica The advantage of this text is in carefully gathered examples explaining how to use corresponding properties... Even the standard material connecting with partial and ordinary differential equations is rewritten in modern terminology. -Zentralblatt (Review of a previous edition) The author has done an excellent job in presenting examples and in displaying the calculational techniques associated with distributions and the applications. Throughout the book there are a wealth of examples concerning the distributional topics and caluclations introduced and concering the applications, and the examples are presented in detail. ---Zentralblatt (Review of the 1st edition) The collaboration of physicists or engineers and mathematics, which is more and more popular and necessary in modern investigations, requires...a common language. The book under review provides this language... [It] is a well written book, most of the material is accessible to senior undergraduate and graduate students in mathematical, physical and engineering sciences... [The] book will [also] be useful...for specialists in ODEs, PDEs, functional analysis, [and] physicists, engineers, and lecturers. -Acta. Sci. Math. (Review of a previous edition) An exceptionally clear exposition... The exercises at the end of each chapter are well-chosen. -The American Mathematical Monthly (Review of a previous edition) This fully revised edition of well-received book expands the treatment of fundamental concepts and theoretical background material delineates connections to a variety of applications in mathematical physics, elasticity, wave propagation, magnetohydrodynamics, linear systems, probability and statistics, optical control problems in economics, and more. It has many new topics and [features] driven by additional examples and exercises... It presents a wealth of applications that connot be found in any other single source. the book will be important reading for graduate students in physics and engineering. --- Educational Book Review