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Elsevier - Health Sciences Division
20 November 2024
Fusion Technology R&D Priorities examines the current landscape of fusion technology. With a strong focus on technological advances, this book considers technical challenges and priorities to further the development of fusion research. Beginning with an introduction to fusion technology research and development, this book then presents an overview of basic magnetic fusion concepts and worldwide pathways to fusion energy. Subsequent chapters then take a deep dive into fusion materials R&D, capabilities of potential neutron sources for materials testing, plasma facing components, and plasma diagnostics, heating, and control. Breeding blanket and tritium system, vacuum vessels, and the shielding system are also highlighted, before concluding with safety features and environmental and social issues. Presenting the most advanced developments in nuclear fusion R&D, this is an essential read for researchers and engineers interested in nuclear energy and fusion technology.
Edited by:  
Imprint:   Elsevier - Health Sciences Division
Country of Publication:   United States
Dimensions:   Height: 229mm,  Width: 152mm, 
Weight:   450g
ISBN:   9780443136290
ISBN 10:   0443136297
Pages:   376
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  College/higher education ,  Undergraduate ,  Further / Higher Education
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Before retiring from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (UW) as a Distinguished Research Professor, Dr El-Guebaly was the: Nuclear Group Leader at the UW Fusion Technology Institute Nuclear Task Leader for the multi-institutional ARIES and FNSF fusion projects U.S. Contact Person for the IEA Task on Fusion Radioactive Waste Studies. Her primary interest is in the area of neutronics, activation, radiation shielding, and radwaste management for both D-T and D-3He fueled plants for terrestrial and space applications. She has extensive experience in experimental and power plant designs and was involved in the conceptual designs of numerous national and international fusion concepts: magnetic (tokamaks, spherical tori, stellarators, FRC, and tandem mirrors) and inertial (laser, heavy ion, and Z-pinch). She participated in over 25 multi-institutional fusion design studies and was also involved in several small-scale projects focusing on space, advanced D-3He fuel, component testing, radioactive waste management, proliferation-resistance, and non-electric applications. She published extensively in fusion contexts, authoring ~300 technical reports and scientific publications in U.S. and international refereed journals and contributing nine chapters on fusion-related topics to books on nuclear energy. She now currently offers consulting in several areas of fusion technologies, including the environmental aspect of fusion.

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