Gábor L. Ambrus is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Charles University, Czech Republic
This is a rich philosophical discussion of the religious ‘spell’ of contemporary information technology that includes a powerful political analysis: as users of technology we are locked into a ‘dialectic of unfreedom’ with our golem slave technologies … Highly recommended reading for anyone willing to look further than the one-liners of tabloid AI ethics. * Mark Coeckelbergh, University of Vienna, Austria * This is an important contribution to the field and a topical resource as we learn to cope with the massive challenges presented by social media and other forms on Internet-based technology. * Christopher B. Barnett, Villanova University, USA * In an age overflowing with information and deeply rooted in technology, the author courageously delves into the intricate ties between technology, religion, and the core of human existence. By closely scrutinizing the crossroads of technological breakthroughs and their role in our lives, this book provides readers with not just a mirror to our present situation, but also a deep journey into age-old wisdoms and their significance in our modern, tech-centric world. * L. M. Possati, postdoctoral researcher, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands *