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From the Father's Heart Rest & Reflection (Book 1)

Daily Devotional Tailored for Life's Seasons - Emotionally and Spiritually

Maria Kear

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STM Press
21 November 2024
Book 1: Rest & Reflection: (Days 1-91)From the Father's Heart Devotionals Tailored to Life's Seasons - Emotionally and Spiritually.

Experience the living power of God's Word, one day at a time.

If you've dreamed of immersing yourself in God's Word but felt overwhelmed, the From the Father's Heart Seasonal Devotions series is here to guide and uplift you. Each book invites you to listen deeply to God's wisdom in a different way-whether through Rest & Reflection, Growth & Healing, Joy & Adventure, or Hope & Possibilities.

Journey through the Bible throughout the year, or return to any book as your heart needs. You'll find strength, insight, and encouragement for every season and every state of mind. With daily scriptures followed by short, easy-to-read reflections, you'll find thoughtful insights that uplift and inspire. Intriguing thoughts and inspirational reflections will help you accomplish your goal of reading the Bible in a year.

The first book,

Rest & Reflection,

is an invitation to slow down and listen when life feels rushed. By embracing moments of stillness, you'll gain understanding and wisdom, growing in faith and maturity through your journey with God's Word.

When we hear, we understand. When we understand, we gain wisdom. When we gain wisdom, we grow in maturity.

From the Father's Heart Seasonal Devotional series

Four Books, 365 Days - Each book in the series includes 91 days of devotions, with a final day added to complete a full year. Follow the journey chronologically or find specific encouragement for any season of life.

Daily Scripture Readings - Chronological passages for each day guide you through the Bible throughout the year. Easy-to-Read Devotionals - Brief, thoughtful reflections offering inspiration and encouragement. Themes - Each book is tailored with a unique focus. Flexible Reading Plan - Start anytime and let each devotion speak to your spiritual and emotional needs. Personal Growth in Faith - Reflect, gain understanding, and grow in wisdom as you walk day by day in God's Word.

Book 1: Rest & Reflection (Days 1-91);

Book 2: Growth & Healing (Days 92 - 182);

Book 3: Joy & Adventure (Days 183 - 273);

Book 4: Hope & Possibilities (Days 274 - 365);

Maria Kear
Imprint:   STM Press
Volume:   1
Dimensions:   Height: 216mm,  Width: 140mm,  Spine: 11mm
Weight:   254g
ISBN:   9781966240013
ISBN 10:   1966240015
Series:   From the Father's Heart
Pages:   196
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Maria Kear began her Jesus journey when she received Christ at the age of five. That dramatic encounter with Him set her up for a life filled with a spiritual hunger that compels her to not only seek after God wholeheartedly, but also to create hunger and thirst in others through her words, experience and life example. Maria and her husband Jeff have three adult children and as of this writing they have four grandchildren with more promised in the future. Maria and Jeff launched a house church called Bethesda Springs House of Mercy and Grace in July 2020 when the Lord surprised them with His plans as they fasted and prayed just prior.

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