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From Moravia to Texas

A Czech Immigrant Family's Pioneering Journey' (Vol 1)

Sam Kopecky

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Trafford Publishing
07 October 2020
As the early 20th century steadily recedes into the distant past, many details of daily life during that American pre-depression period fade to an increasingly abstract perspective, void of the feeling brought to life in this loving couple's extensive and valuable correspondence. This is a rare first-hand account of the stress and hardships of a country nurse, and country doctor and WWI veteran, from humble origins. There is also a vivid portrayal of organized nursing at its infancy in rural communities, and the uncertain and difficult circumstances of establishing a country practice for practitioners of the Hippocratic Oath-as opposed to their big city brethren-and their transition from horse-and-buggy to Henry Ford's first automobiles. The imagination of 21st century readers is revived with glimpses of rural life, family relations and varied problems in turn-of-the-century Texas, where disease and sudden death stalked young and old, as in all the 'frontier' states of the pre-WWI south western United States. Along with the moving emotions expressed through its characters, this correspondence is sure to awaken in readers, an understanding of just how much is taken for granted today and to what extent the values of the pre-depression generations have eroded.
Imprint:   Trafford Publishing
Dimensions:   Height: 229mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 36mm
Weight:   934g
ISBN:   9781698700731
ISBN 10:   1698700733
Pages:   648
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

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