Christian H Kälin is Chairman of Henley & Partners, UK, as well as the Founder and Chairman of the Andan Foundation, a Swiss humanitarian organization focused on supporting displaced people.
A breakthrough. This book is the blueprint to solve the international refugee crisis. Dr. Kaelin could well be called the Henry Dunant of our time. * Dr. Rolf Dobelli, Founder of WORLD.MINDS and author of the global bestseller The Art of Thinking Clearly * With record numbers of people displaced and challenges around migration accumulating, new and unprejudiced approaches are badly needed. This book shows what needs to happen for cities to become hubs for sustainable solutions. This is not only a bold vision, but a practical roadmap, which leaves no taboo un-touched and no stone un-turned. A thought-provoking study with the hope to facilitate political decision-making: paradigm shift at its best. * Dr. Peter Maurer, President of the International Committee of the Red Cross ICRC (2012-2022) * Visionary and grounded in a profound sense of humanity, this book presents a hopeful blueprint for the future. It outlines a path forward, demonstrating how, with courage and a clear vision, we can reshape our societies for the better. * Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. Sahin Albayrak, Technical University of Berlin * A quarter of the global population lives in conditions that are harmful to their health, safety and prosperity. With the continuous grow of the global population time has come to consider more and more housing and urban environments has a priority for human development and future generations. * H. E. Mirko Manzoni, Ambassador of Switzerland, South Africa * Seeking personal security from human rights abuses, brutal conflict and war, or escape from the harshest of conditions of climate change and sheer desperation from hunger and famine, international migrants or refugees have challenged country and city leaders to cope with their unstoppable arrivals. Free Global Cities discusses radically new ways of imagining and managing the great migrant crisis. This book is certain to stimulate discussion over an issue which will be with us for decades to come. * H. E. Chan Heng Chee, Ambassador-at-large, Singapore Foreign Ministry, Honorary Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew Centre for Innovative Cities, Singapore University of Technology and Design * While Special Economic Zones have benefitted multiple countries and generated prosperity for several generations, Free Global Cities offer a radically new model for tackling the world’s monumental migration crisis. By allowing for pockets of freedom for the most vulnerable and unfairly treated people of the world, the model will showcase how allowing the freedom of economic activity is a win-win for refugees and host countries alike. This book can completely change the dialogue around refugees, from an economic burden to wealth creators. * Dr. Lotta Moberg CFA, author of “The Political Economy of Special Economic Zones” and scholar of refugee cities * Migrations of peoples were several times turning points in the history of mankind. It seems that today we are facing such a challenge again. This book, in an interesting and very concrete way, indicates an idea that can become a solution for the emerging crisis. This volume is an invitation to a discussion that is worth taking up. * Professor Dr. Aleksander Bobko, Professor of Philosophy, University of Rzeszów, Poland *