Verónica Gago is a leader in Argentina's #NiUnaMenos movement (Not One More!), as both a theoretician and an activist. She is also a Professor of Social Sciences at the University of Buenos Aires, Professor at the Instituto de Altos Estudios, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, and Assistant Researcher at the National Council of Research (CONICET).
"Inspired by the internationally coordinated strike for the 8th of March, Gago has given us a book that well captures the revolutionary potential of contemporary feminism - its theories, its organizational forms, its struggles - all examined though the lenses of one of the most radical feminist movements on the American continent. It is a courageous and creative book, an ideal read for political formation; it opens new worlds and calls for action. -- Silvia Federici, author of Caliban and the Witch Gago offers in this book the most comprehensive transversal anaysis and the most compelling case for feminist praxis -- Judith Butler, author of The Force of Non-Violence Gago offers a feminist analysis of""strike"" as radical reimagination of traditionalfeminized roles. ... Reading Feminist International affirmed what Ialready hold to be true: women make the world go'round. ... In exploringthe political potential of contemporary radicalfeminist movements worldwide, [this book] showed me thatwomen of color will always provide a voice forpeople fighting to be seen, heard, and kept alive. -- Laura V. Eley * Women's Review of Books * Invigorating ... Gago shows how the ""feminist strike"" extends beyond conventional parameters-unions, the wage relation, male workers, male bosses-to draw in sex workers, indigenous people, the unemployed, workers in the informal economy, housewives. -- Amia Srinivasan * New Yorker *"