Raymond Briggs is one of the foremost creators of illustrated books for adults and children, including the unforgettable The Snowman and Father Christmas. He was born in Wimbledon Park on the 18th of January 1934 and currently lives in Sussex. Raymond Briggs' parents have proved an important source of inspiration to the author/artist. His father was a milkman; his mother a former lady's maid. Raymond's unique characterisation of Father Christmas is based on his father - 'Father Christmas and the milkman both have wretched jobs- working in the cold, wet and dark.' His parents also influenced the character of Jim and Hilda, the victims of nuclear fall-out, in When The Wind Blows. Raymond left school aged 15 to study painting at Wimbledon School of Art. After completing a typography course at the Central School of Art, and two years of National Service, Raymond went on to the Slade School to study painting. His first work was in advertising, but before long he was winning acclaim as a children's book illustrator as well as teaching illustration at Brighton College of Art. Raymond was awarded the Kate Greenaway Medal in 1966 for his fourth picture book, The Mother Goose Treasury, and again in 1973 for Father Christmas. Published in 1978, The Snowman is perhaps Raymond's best-loved creation. He says th
First of all, Santa Claus (or Father Christmas as the British call him) is bald. Secondly, as anyone who has ever contemplated his December 24th work load must have guessed, he's a little disgruntled about the whole ruddy business. Briggs projects Santa's day in comic strip sequence and balloon monologue, from his waking from a dream of sun through his grumpy dressing, breakfast, packing up and departure ( Blooming snow. . . I hate winter. . . Keep still you silly deers. . . tally ho! ), his delivery rounds ( blooming chimneys. . . blooming snow. . . blooming aerials ), past a milkman (' Still at it mate?' 'Nearly done' ) to a drop at the palace, and at last home to his hot bath and lovely pud and good drop of ale - and of course happy blooming Christmas to you too. You don't have to be British to take to this very human Father Christmas - but it helps to have an open eye for all the throwaway background detail. (Kirkus Reviews)