Dr Romain Pizzi BVSc MSc Phd DZooMed DipECZM MACVS(Surg) FRES FRGS FRSB FRCVS, is a Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons Recognised Specialist in Zoo & Wildlife Medicine, and the world's leading expert in wildlife surgery. He has travelled the globe pioneering many world-first operations in endangered wild animals. Pizzi was born and grew up in South Africa, where he qualified as a veterinary surgeon. He is an honorary professor at the University of Nottingham in zoo and wildlife medicine, and has taught and mentored wildlife veterinarians from around the globe. He has worked with conservation charities, wildlife rescue and rehabilitation centres, and zoos across the world. His work has featured on numerous TV documentaries on the BBC, Animal Planet, National Geographic, CNN and other international media. He lives in Scotland, 10 minutes walk from the ruins of Rosslyn castle, with his vet cardiologist wife and their two young children.
'Romain Pizzi, who pioneered keyhole surgery for animals, is arguably the most versatile and inventive vet in the world.' Guardian 'We have other vets who are incredibly talented, but Romain is one of a kind.' Matt Hunt, CEO of Free the Bears One of the most innovative wildlife surgeons in Europe and perhaps the world ... he has operated on giraffes and tarantulas, penguins and baboons, giant tortoises and at least one shark, and maintains a reputation for taking on cases others won't. If you're in possession of a tiger with gallstones, or a suspiciously sickly beaver, you call Pizzi.' Wired magazine