Are you prepared to die? I don't mean mentally prepared, I mean officially prepared. Have you made your wishes known when it comes to a funeral? A Memorial? Have you decided if you want to be buried or cremated? Have you pre-paid for your funeral or bought Funeral Insurance to cover the costs?Chances are, like the majority of the American population, you're not prepared.That is why you need this book! It is a treasure trove of valuable information that puts you in control of your healthcare and funeral wishes. By pre-planning your funeral, you eliminate the uncertainty, financial burden, and added stress your loved ones are left with regarding your funeral wishes and costs.By designating a healthcare proxy who knows your wishes before an incapacitating event occurs, and pre-planning your funeral, you're allowing your family to concentrate on honoring you and your memory and not on what they think you would have wanted or how they are going to pay for your funeral.There's no better gift you could leave your family than taking care of all the arrangements before you die. Even if you don't pay for your funeral upfront, you're still giving your family a gift they will remember for a lifetime.