The editors have spent almost 85 years developing satellite-based environmental applications, the most recent 20-years of which have focused on developing respiratory heath applications funded by the Applied Sciences Division of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. They have been active professionally in the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) and the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS). For most of their funded R&D efforts they have served as principal investigators and co-PIs on multidisciplinary teams. In addition to peer-reviewed technical publications, they have served as author-editors for several books and sponsored research reports. Stanley Morain is currently Professor Emeritus of Geography and retired director of the Earth Data Analysis Center, University of New Mexico. Amelia Budge continues to be a co-PI on a NASA-sponsored multi-year project to develop a Pollen Regional Atmospheric Model (PREAM) for respiratory health. She recently completed her duties as Chairperson of the 2008-2012 ISPRS working group for Commission VIII (Remote Sensing Applications and Policy), Working Group 2 (Health).
Environmental Tracking for Public Health Surveillance not only bridges the gap between the fields of satellite Earth observations and environmental and public health sciences, but also presents innovative applications of satellite-based Earth observation data in monitoring and forecasting of diverse vector-borne diseases while also highlighting efforts for better management of factors that comprise public health. The justification of this edition goes well beyond the need to bridge the gap betwee the fields of satellite remote sensing, environmental and public health sciences, and provide yet another book of compiled works of quality applied research. The book is well-organized and information is presented in a format to be quite ueseful as a valuable reference for anyone who is interested in the applications of satellite remote sensing in public health science research. Mahtab A. Lodhi, University of New Orleans, in Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing journal, October 2013.