"Deborah Threadgill Egerton, MA, Ph.D. is an internationally respected spiritual teacher, a IEA certified Enneagram practitioner, and a consultant and coach. ""Dr. E"", as she is affectionately referred to, is the Founder and President of Trinity Transition Consultants LLC. She works with individuals and organizations-both large and small-to help them release false historical narratives and to open their minds and hearts to a new (IDEA) Inclusion, Diversity, Equity & Anti-Racism. For over 2 decades, the focus of her work has been teaching the Enneagram as a valuable tool for social justice and anti-racism and using it as a blueprint to reunite people. Her visionary approach to Inclusion, Diversity, Equity, and Anti-Racism work expands the traditional scope of the ""DEI"" method and allows for the honouring of every individual with respect to all dimensions of their unique self-identification. She is a current board member of the International Enneagram Association and her greatest passion is leading others to understand their own humanity. Website- deborahegerton.com trinitytransition.com"