William J. Slattery, PhD, STL, was born in Ireland and ordained by Pope Saint John Paul II to the priesthood in St. Peter's Basilica in 1991. A specialist in modern and postmodern worldviews, he is the author of several books, notably The Logic of Truth and Heroism and Genius. He is a professor at Franciscan University of Steubenville and chaplain at Damascus, while continuing to write, lecture, and give retreats in North America and Europe.
""For many years now we've been hearing about 'the new evangelization.' Fr. Slattery reminds us that 'the old evangelization' worked and brought hope, renewal, and transformation to a bleak and despairing time. In the midst of our lonely and bored culture, Fr. Slattery powerfully exposes the emptiness of the modern worldview and recasts an adventurous and dramatic vision of what it means to be a disciple of the King of the Universe, who has rescued us not from but for the world."" -- Fr. John Riccardo, founder of Acts XXIX ""In his work Enchanted by Eternity, Fr. William Slattery combines his years of ministerial experience and lived experience of Catholicism to offer a 'new' proposal for living the Faith, based on insights from recent scientific developments and scriptural studies. This work demonstrates how faith and reason are not only compatible, but when they work together how they contribute to the sacramental worldview so necessary for grappling with the fundamental challenges of our day. This book proposes the Faith in a way that attracts!"" -- Most Reverend Earl K. Fernandes, Bishop of Columbus, Ohio ""The ideas in this book resonate with the way I feel about the Catholic Faith. This book slam dunks why I'm proud to be Catholic -- because real Catholicism is a tough, world-improving movement that is about both the forever-life and an urgency to make this life the best possible for everyone."" -- From the foreword by Mark Wahlberg ""This book is a shout to Catholics to do again what they did in the first millennium: to change the status quo culture and inaugurate a civilization with a Christian soul for the benefit of all women and men! Fr. William J. Slattery brims with insights, backs them up with footnotes ─ and fascinates. Although he is an epistemologist, he shows a command of Western history, the philosophical implications of theoretical physics, the arts, literature, theology, and technology, moving from Einstein to Aquinas, Marx to St. Paul with skillful ease and catchy enthusiasm. Get ready to have your mind scrambled, your worldview table overturned, your hair ruffled, and your horizons widened, deepened, and expanded. As science probes more and more deeply into nature, materialism fails more and more profoundly. Particles, once assumed to be isolated, turn out to gather into entangled waves; cells, once thought to be simple, have proven to contain sophisticated technology beyond imagining. Life and the universe increasingly resemble not disorganized matter but the thoughts of a Mind. In his riveting Enchanted by Eternity, Fr. Slattery masterfully draws out the profound implications of materialism's failure for our view of this world and the next."" -- Michael J. Behe, biochemist, professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University, and author of Darwin's Black Box