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En el Origen / In the Origin


Juan Jos� Colsa



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Editorial Planeta Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
27 August 2024
Relatos breves e ilustrados que muestran c�mo imagin� el ser humano el origen del universo.

En el origen de nuestra especie, las personas miraban el firmamento, los mares, los animales, los �rboles y las otras maravillas que ten�an ante sus ojos, y se preguntaban c�mo habr�a llegado todo eso ah�. Las respuestas no eran evidentes. Hab�a que imaginarlas y compartirlas. Aqu� tienes una peque�a muestra de ellas, prueba de que los seres humanos estamos hechos de historias e imaginaci�n.

La teor�a del Big-Bang dice que toda la masa y toda la energ�a posibles estaban juntas hasta que explotaron y formaron el universo. No se ha incluido en este libro porque no es un relato mitol�gico, sino cient�fico; sin embargo, se ha ganado su lugar aqu� como otra m�s de las bellas historias que el ser humano decidi� contarse a s� mismo para averiguar el origen de todo.


At the origin of our species, people looked at the sky, the seas, the animals, the trees, and the other wonders before their eyes, and asked how all of this had gotten there. The answers were not obvious. They had to imagine them and share them with others. Here you have a small sample of them, proof that human beings are created from stories and imagination.

The Big Bang theory says that all the possible mass and energy were together until they exploded and formed the universe. It was not included in this book because it is not a mythological story, but a scientific one. However, it has earned its place here as another of the beautiful stories that human beings decided to tell themselves to explain the origin of everything.
Imprint:   Editorial Planeta Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
ISBN:   9786073914062
ISBN 10:   6073914067
Pages:   48
Publication Date:  
Recommended Age:   From 8 to 12 years
Audience:   Children/juvenile ,  English as a second language
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Juan Jos� Colsa naci� en la Ciudad de M�xico. Cuenta con un Posgrado en Arquitectura por la UNAM, donde tambi�n ha sido docente. Trabaja como dise�ador editorial y como ilustrador de libros infantiles para varias editoriales. Ha publicado m�s de 15 libros como ilustrador. Juan Jos� Colsa was born in Mexico City. He holds a Postgraduate degree in Architecture from UNAM, where he has also been a teacher. He works as an editorial designer and as an illustrator for children's books for several publishing houses. He has published over 15 books as an illustrator.

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