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Cambridge University Press
08 February 2024
Emoji are now ubiquitous in our interactions on social media. But how do we use them to convey meaning? And how do they function in social bonding? This unique book provides a comprehensive framework for analysing how emoji contribute to meaning-making in social media discourse, alongside language. Presenting emoji as a visual paralanguage, it features extensive worked examples of emoji analysis, using corpora derived from social media such as Twitter and TikTok, to explore how emoji interact with their linguistic co-text. It also draws on the author's extensive work on social media affiliation to consider how emoji function in social bonding. The framework for analysing emoji is explained in an accessible way, and a glossary is included, detailing each system and feature from the system networks used as the schemas for undertaking the analysis. It is essential reading for anyone wishing to investigate the role of emoji in digital communication.
By:   , ,
Imprint:   Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 228mm,  Width: 151mm,  Spine: 14mm
Weight:   390g
ISBN:   9781009179805
ISBN 10:   1009179802
Pages:   268
Publication Date:  
Audience:   General/trade ,  ELT Advanced
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active
Note on the text; Abbreviations; 1. Social media paralanguage and emoji; 2. Technical dimensions: the encoding and rendering of emoji; 3. Modelling emoji-text relations; 4. Emoji SYNCHRONISING with textual meaning; 5. Emoji CONCURRING with ideational meaning; 6. Emoji RESONATING with interpersonal meaning; 7. DIALOGIC AFFILIATION: the role of emoji in negotiating social bonds; 8. COMMUNING AFFILIATION: the role of emoji in communing around bonds; 9. Beyond emoji-text relations: factoring in images and other semiotic resources; 10. Conclusion; Glossary.

Michele Zappavigna is an Associate Professor at the University of New South Wales. She is co-editor of the journal Visual Communication. Her key books include Searchable Talk: Hashtags and Social Media Metadiscourse (2018, Bloomsbury) and Discourse of Twitter and Social Media (2012, Bloomsbury). Lorenzo Logi is an early career academic based in Sydney, Australia. His major research interests include social semiotics, digital communication, paralanguage and humour, and he has published numerous articles in top rated journals and book chapters on these subjects.

Reviews for Emoji and Social Media Paralanguage

'Highly recommended.' K. Liu, CHOICE

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