William D. Glenn, a psychotherapist and spiritual director, is a longtime leader in the LGBTQ+community. Influenced by Thomas Merton, Carl Jung, the Society of Jesus and Queer culture, Bill elucidates moments in his life from his childhood in an Irish Catholic family mid-20th century through his nearly decade as a Jesuit, to his subsequent life as a sober, out, married gay man. Former president of the San Francisco AIDS Foundation, executive director of Continuum HIV Services, Bill is currently the chair of the board of trustees of the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, an inter-religious graduate university. A co-founder of the Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies at the Pacific School of Religion, he has focused on the intersection of queer and soul for the past four decades. Dr. Mario Dell'Olio is a 2022 winner of the Premio Vincenzo Crocitti International award for literature and music. He is the author of several books: Letters from Italy is the love story of his immigrant parents, which is also published in Italian, Lettere Dall'Italia. A memoir, Coming About: Life in the Balance, is about a sailing adventure going terribly wrong. Tilting Toward the Sun, Body And Soul, and Forbidden Rome, LGBTQA+ fiction that explore the strife of coming out during the 1980s. He is the music director at Sonoma Academy, an independent school in Sonoma County, California. Previously, he was chair of the music department and ethics teacher at Marymount School of New York, a school for girls in Manhattan. Dr. Mario Dell'Olio conducted the Concert and Chamber Choirs. He has led his choirs on international and domestic concert tours and released numerous albums on iTunes and Amazon.com. Dr. Dell'Olio was director of music at Mission Dolores Basilica in San Francisco, California, from 1990 to 2000. He led the Basilica Choir's first international concert tour to Italy in June 1999. Dr. Dell'Olio holds a Doctor of Sacred Music, a Master of Music in Vocal Performance, and a Master of Religious Education. He pursued postgraduate work in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome, Italy.With over 35,000 followers on X and a solid social media presence, he actively participates in the Writing Community. Dr. Dell'Olio has scheduled numerous author events, readings, and book signings. In November 2020, The Empire City Men's Chorus of New York City performed a concert/documentary based on Dell'Olio's book, Coming About.