Wesley R. Browne obtained his PhD in Chemistry (2002) from Dublin City University, before taking up Research and Honorary Research Fellowships at Queen's University Belfast, Ireland. Subsequently he moved to the University of Groningen as a Research Fellow at the Stratingh Institute for Chemistry in 2003, and was appointed as Assistant Professor (2007) and later Associate Professor of Functional Molecular Materials and Catalytic Systems (2013). He is currently Chair of Molecular Inorganic Chemistry (2015). Both his research and teaching centre on spectroscopy and electrochemistry applied to materials and molecular systems, in particular molecular switches and oxidation catalysis. He was awarded the 'Gouden Docent' (Gold medal for Chemical Education) in 2016 by the Royal Netherlands Chemical Society, and sits on the International advisory boards of the European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, Chemical Communications, and Particle.
There are so few beginners' text books that address electrochemistry in this logical way and bring in circuits so early. * Petra Cameron, University of Bath * A superb introductory text to electrochemistry, which describes how the key relationships that underlie modern electrochemistry are derived, and how they are used. * Mark Symes, University of Glasgow * An insightful and clear coverage of the main principles and phenomena in electrochemical studies. * Vasily Oganesyan, University of East Anglia *