Meinte Boersma has been a practitioner of model-driven software development and software language engineering since 2007. He has given workshops on DSL, participated in organizing the Language Workbench Challenge, and has spoken at conferences on DSLs.
A great alternative to DSL implementations that not many resources out there cover. AdhirRamjiawan This is anice practical exploration of Domain Specific Languages using JavaScript. GeorgeThomas The manuscript is excellent. The content is great, the illustrations are very well done. The author has taken a very pedagogical approach to transfer practical nd rapidly exploitable knowledge in a short period of time. Alain Lompo AMUST-HAVE book on the topic! Karthikeyarajan Rajendran DSL is always considered niche area and difficult to do. This book make it easy foryou to understand with easy to understand examples. If you ever wanted to learn but never tried you now have a good reason to do so! Kumar Unnikrishnan Great external DSL reference. With this book you will have all you need to build your external DSL! Julien Pohie An interesting concept of mixing DSL design with high-level software design. TobiasKaatz This book is really interesting for the intended user. Easy to grasp, understand, followalong and try out the code in small incremental steps. Satej Kumar Sahu It's one thing to use a DSL, it's another to design and implement one. This book narrows the gap for anyone interested. Burk Hufnagel