Dr. Nesterova is a senior scientist in the Life Science Research and Development Department at Elsevier with a focus on mammalian genetics and human diseases. For five years, her team compiled signaling pathways for over 250 diseases using the Elsevier Pathway Studio™ software and database. Dr. Anton Yuryev works as the Professional Services Director at Elsevier and is responsible for development of targeted bioinformatics solutions using Elsevier software and knowledge bases for areas of drug research, personalized medicine and agrobiology. Dr. Eugene A. Klimov is Head of the group of Medical and Veterinary Genetics in the Faculty of Biology and is the lecturer at Lomonosov Moscow State University. Dr. Klimov has 15 years of experience in structural and functional genomics, molecular biology, viral and neurological diseases. Dr. Maria Zharkova, Novel Software Systems employee, working as a scientist at the Life Science Research and Development Department at Elsevier with primary research interests in protein biology and biochemistry. Dr. Maria Shkrob has 7 years of experience in the bioinformatics industry, working on the solutions for text and data mining. At Elsevier, she works as a Consultant for Elsevier Professional Services applying the rich R&D Solutions portfolio to address customers’ needs. Natalia Ivanikova, PhD, Novel Software Systems employee, works as a senior scientist at the Content and Innovation group at Elsevier's Operations division with a focus on the automated construction of biological knowledge bases using natural language processing technologies. Sergei Sozin, M.D., Novel Software Systems employee, works as a scientist at the Life Science Research and Development Department at Elsevier with a focus on internal medicine, hematology, cancer biology, oncogenomics, and clinical trials. Dr. Vladimir Sobolev is a senior scientist at the Mechnikov Research Institute of Vaccines and Sera, and at the Center for Theoretical Problems of Physicochemical Pharmacology, Russian Academy of Science. Dr. Sobolev specializes in cell biology and immunology.
This is an excellent resource on the molecular pathways of the 42 most common on-oncologic diseases that illustrates the connection between the molecular causes of diseases and their symptoms. It is unique in the way it provides molecular disease pathways, which will assist readers in clearly understanding disease processes. It will serve as a reference for general biologists, biochemists, students, and medical workers. --Doody The BiochemistI would definitely recommend this book for anyone who works on disease pathology or cell biology as it is immensely useful both for deepening understanding and for quickly checking the role of a molecule in a specific disease. The writing is clear and concise and supported by beautiful diagrams; while the subjects are comprehensively covered, each section is a manageable chunk and it is very easy to quickly navigate the text. Overall, this book is a must-have for those interested in cell signalling and would make a great addition to an academic bookshelf! --The Biochemist