Professor Dr. Kemal Polat is a Professor in the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Department, Engineering of Faculty, Bolu Abant Izzet Baysal University, in Turkey. He has over 130 articles published in leading scientific journals and around 80 international conference papers. He is, amongst others, a member of the editorial board of the Journal of Neural Computing and Applications and editorial board member of Applied Soft Computing, Elsevier. His current research interests are in biomedical signal classification, control systems, electronics, statistical signal processing, visual memory, neuroscience, brain-computer interface, PPG signal, medical electronics, digital signal processing, pattern recognition, and classification. Dr. Saban Öztürk is a researcher in Amasya University, in Turkey. He has over 50 scientific publications. Dr. Öztürk’s current research interests are in the fields of biomedical image processing, histopathological image analysis, hashing, content-based image retrieval, siamese networks and loss function, metric learning, deep learning, and image representation.