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Denying the Holocaust

The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory

Deborah Lipstadt

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28 July 1994
The denial of the Holocaust has no more credibility than the assertion that the earth is flat. Yet it is a sad testament to our time that those who make such claims are no longer dismissed as members of the lunatic fringe but are gaining a hearing in respectable arenas. In this first full-scale history of Holocaust denial, the author shows how, despite tens of thousands of living witnesses and vast amounts of documentary evidence, this irrational idea has not only continued to gain adherents but has become an internationally organized movement. Exploring the roots and meaning of this disturbing development, the author argues that this chilling attack on the factual record not only threatens Jews but could dramatically alter the way that truth and meaning are transmitted from one generation to another.
Imprint:   Penguin
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 227mm,  Width: 152mm,  Spine: 21mm
Weight:   323g
ISBN:   9780452272743
ISBN 10:   0452272742
Pages:   304
Publication Date:  
Audience:   College/higher education ,  Professional and scholarly ,  General/trade ,  Primary ,  Undergraduate
Format:   Paperback
Publisher's Status:   Active

Reviews for Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory

A forceful analysis of attempts to deny the Nazi Holocaust. Lipstadt (Religion/Emory University; Beyond Belief, 1985 - not reviewed) traces the history of Holocaust revisionism and contends that it can no longer be ignored, showing how Holocaust-deniers, once dismissed as a lunatic fringe, have been growing in numbers and influence during the past 20 years. Citing groups like the Institute for Historical Review, publications like The Spotlight, politicians like David Duke, and academicians like Leonard Jeffries, Lipstadt presents numerous examples of attempts to prove that the extermination of six million Jews is a hoax; that only a few thousand Jews died in the camps from disease; that the Allied bombings of German cities were worse than any Nazi offense; and that the true victims of WW II were the German people. These distortions of recorded history, argues the author, threaten to undermine our Western rationalist tradition and to legitimize the politicization of history. To Lipstadt, the common thread among Holocaust deniers is a purely anti-Semitic diatribe portraying Jews as victimizers. Self-declared scholars like Arthur R. Butz (whose credentials are in electronics) claim that Jews used the world's sympathy after the war to displace another people, establish the nation of Israel, and steal billions in reparations from their German and Western cash cows. Lipstadt argues vehemently against giving revisionists a forum in the name of free speech or freedom of the press, and she details the efforts of California revisionist Bradley Smith, who pushed a Holocaust was a hoax campaign in college newspapers throughout the US. Lipstadt contends that the responses to Holocaust denial by both students and faculty graphically demonstrate the susceptibility of an educated and privileged segment to the kind of reasoning that creates a hospitable climate for the rewriting of history. An important, well-documented study that deserves attention. (Kirkus Reviews)

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