Feast upon a smorgasbord of monstrous cuisine in this delectable spread of all fourteen volumes of Delicious in Dungeon! Join Laios, Marcille, Chilchuck, and Senshi as they delve into the depths to save their lost comrade—and stuff themselves silly in the process! And if all that doesn’t whet your appetite, this box set even includes an exclusive poster for dessert!
Abigail Blackman, Ryoko Kui, Taylor Engel Imprint: Yen Press Country of Publication: United States Volume: 15 Dimensions:
Height: 220mm,
Width: 230mm,
Spine: 156mm
Weight: 4.520kg ISBN:9798855413786 Pages: 2864 Publication Date:10 December 2024 Recommended Age: From 13 years Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active