In 1931, three years after the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD) was established, Japan joined ICOLD as the Japan National Committee on Large Dams. In 1944, Japan withdrew from ICOLD during the World War II, then rejoined in March 1953. On September 13, 1962, the Japan Commission on Large Dams (JCOLD) was established, and in January 2012, it became a General Incorporated Association.
This documentary prepared by the Japan Commission on Dams (JCOLD) presents an excellent chronological historical record of dams in Japan, the current role of their dams and Japan's vision of the role that dams will play in the future. This book is recommended reading for water resources planners, dam engineers, stakeholders for water projects and the public. Arthur H. Walz, Jr., Former Vice President: International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD)