This Daily Knitting Agenda is for knitting enthusiasts. Cultivate Your Knitting Projects with this Calendar/Agenda/Diary/Journal. This Daily Knitting Planner measures at 8.5 x 11. It provides you with ample space for 3 months worth of planning & scheduling. It has space for all your planning, organization and creative ideas. Daily page layouts include daily knitting to do lists, notes, knitting priorities, tasks of the day, and quote of the day. This Daily Agenda is designed so you have one place for a solid organization without leaving your knitting creativity behind. You'll soon see the many benefits for yourself. To Your Daily Planning Success & Inspiration! Click the happy orange button above & get started today...
Infinit You Imprint: tredition GmbH Country of Publication: Germany Dimensions:
Height: 279mm,
Width: 216mm,
Spine: 7mm
Weight: 299g ISBN:9783748268666 ISBN 10: 3748268661 Pages: 122 Publication Date:12 April 2019 Audience:
ELT Advanced
Format:Paperback Publisher's Status: Active