BETSAN CORKHILL is a recognized world expert on the use of therapeutic craft for improving health, wellness, and managing illness. In 2005 she founded Stitchlinks, a non-profit global support network for those who enjoy the therapeutic benefits of crafts. Clinically trained in physiotherapy, Betsan has conducted extensive research into the benefits of hand crafts, working towards pioneering ways to help people address issues and improve their wellbeing through Therapeutic Knitting. Her first book, Knit for Health & Wellness: How to knit a flexible mind & more , has recently been published.
. . . whether it's stress or simply too much time spent with your own thoughts, pick up this book if you're looking for your crochet journey to be one that has a wider impact - you never know what you'll discover about yourself! * Crochet Now * The book introduces ways to bring meditation, mindfulness and relaxation techniques to your crochet... -- Christine Boggis * Knitting * the book is filled with brilliant patterns from top designers and would make a great addition to your collection * Crochet Now *