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Cambridge University Press
01 July 2021
This book focuses on current theoretical and empirical research into countability in the nominal domain, and to a lesser extent in the verbal domain. The presented state-of-the-art studies are situated within compositional semantics combined with the theory of mereology, and draw on a wealth of data, some of which have hitherto been unknown, from a number of typologically distinct languages. Some contributions propose enrichments of classical extensional mereology with topological and temporal notions as well as with type theory and probabilistic models. The book also presents analyses that rely on cutting-edge empirical research (experimental, corpus-based) into meaning in language. It is suitable as a point of departure for original research or material for seminars in semantics, philosophy of language, psycholinguistics and other fields of cognitive science. It is of interest not only to a semanticist, but also to anybody who wishes to gain insights into the contemporary research into countability.
Edited by:  
Imprint:   Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication:   United Kingdom
Dimensions:   Height: 235mm,  Width: 159mm,  Spine: 20mm
Weight:   590g
ISBN:   9781107178663
ISBN 10:   1107178665
Pages:   314
Publication Date:  
Audience:   Professional and scholarly ,  College/higher education ,  Undergraduate ,  A / AS level
Format:   Hardback
Publisher's Status:   Active
1. Proportional Many/Much and Most Carmen Dobrovie-Sorin, and Ion Giurgea; 2 . Quantity Systems and the Count/Mass Distinction Jenny Doetjes; 3. Counting Aggregates, Groups and Kinds: Countability from the Perspective of a Morphologically Complex Language Scott Grimm, and Mojmír Dočekal; 4. Individuating Matter over Time Manfred Krifka; 5. Reduplication as Summation Charles Lam; 6. Iceberg Semantics for Count Nouns and Mass Nouns: How Mass Counts Fred Landman; 7. Indexical Inference: Counting and Measuring in Context Alice G.B. ter Meulen; 8. Counting and Measuring and Approximation Susan Rothstein; 9. The Count/Mass Distinction for Granular Nouns Peter R. Sutton, and Hana Filip; Index.

Hana Filip is Professor of Semantics at the Heinrich Heine University in Düsseldorf (Germany). Her research focuses on aspect, genericity, and nominal semantics.

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