This book assesses the relationship between cosmopolitanism and sovereignty. Often considered to be incompatible, it is argued here that the two concepts are in many ways interrelated and to some extent rely on one another. By introducing a novel theory, the work presents a detailed philosophical analysis to illustrate how these notions might theoretically and practically work together. This theoretical inquiry is balanced with detailed empirical discussion highlighting how the concepts are related in practice and to expose the weaknesses of stricter interpretations of sovereignty which present it as exclusionary. Finally, the book looks at territorial disputes to explore how sovereignty and cosmopolitanism can successfully operate together to deal with global issues.
The work will be of interest to academics and researchers in the areas of Legal Philosophy, Legal Theory and Jurisprudence, Public International Law, International Relations and Political Science.
Preface xi PART ONE The situation in law and politics and the new vision 1 1 Sovereignty and cosmopolitanism: Pluralism of pluralisms and a multidimensional analysis 3 Introduction 3 General structure 7 Chapter 1 Introduction 8 Chapter 2 Sovereignty 9 Chapter 3 Cosmopolitanism 9 Chapter 4 Agents and players 10 Chapter 5 Contexts and realms 12 Chapter 6 Dimensions and variables 13 Chapter 7 Territorial disputes 15 Chapter 8 Conclusive remarks, limitations and implications 15 Aims, rationale and objectives 15 Methodology 17 The notions of sovereignty and cosmopolitanism in this monograph 18 The notions of pluralism of pluralisms and multidimensional analysis in this monograph 22 Choice of examples 25 Conclusion 25 Bibliography 27 2 Sovereignty 29 Introduction 29 Sovereignty 33 Normative and factual sovereignty 38 Factual sovereignty or de facto sovereignty 40 Normative sovereignty or de jure sovereignty 41 Limitations to factual and normative sovereignty 42 The axiological choice: value sovereignty 43 Conclusion 47 Bibliography 49 3 Cosmopolitanism 52 Introduction 52 Cosmopolitanism 54 Kinds of cosmopolitanism 57 Legal cosmopolitanism: natural and positive law 60 Positive law cosmopolitanism 63 Cosmopolitanism and universal law 65 Conclusion 70 Bibliography 71 PART TWO The theory of multidimensionality and the pluralism of pluralisms 75 4 Agents and players 77 Introduction 77 Agents 79 Types of agents: individuals, communities and states 81 Self-ownership and sovereignty 83 Peoples: natives, implanted populations and divided societies 85 Players 91 Players and their characteristics 92 a) Rationality 92 b) Strategies 93 c) Information 95 Players, game theory and territorial disputes 95 Conclusion 99 Bibliography 100 5 Contexts, realms and modes of existence 104 Introduction 104 Contexts 106 Sovereignty, cosmopolitanism and the domestic context 108 Sovereignty, cosmopolitanism and the regional context 110 Sovereignty, cosmopolitanism and the international context 111 Realms 113 The factual realm, sovereignty and cosmopolitanism 115 The normative realm, sovereignty and cosmopolitanism 116 The axiological realm, sovereignty and cosmopolitanism 117 Modes of existence 119 Objects, methods and epistemological acts 120 Conclusion 125 Bibliography 126 6 Dimensions and variables 128 Introduction 128 Dimensions 131 Unidimensionality and multidimensionality 133 Linear dimensions 136 a) Vertical 137 b) Horizontal 138 c) Diagonal or transversal, curved or spiral and other linear relationships 139 Nonlinear dimensions 139 a) Self-referred 140 b) Regressive 141 c) Chaotic 141 d) Random 141 Time 142 Space 146 According to its scope 146 According to the way it is perceived 147 Conclusion 150 Bibliography 151 PART THREE The application to territorial disputes and conclusive remarks 155 7 Territorial disputes 157 Introduction 157 The concept of “territorial disputes” 159 The case of Khemed between Borduria and Syldavia 163 Unidimensionality and Khemed 165 Multidimensionality and Khemed 170 In terms of population 174 In terms of territory 175 In terms of government 175 The significance to sovereignty and cosmopolitanism 177 Conclusion 179 Bibliography 180 8 Conclusive remarks, limitations and future implications 182 Introduction 182 Limitations and future implications 184 Deploying the multidimensional approach 187 Some final remarks: partial conclusions and guidelines 187 Conclusion 194 Bibliography 195 Index 197
Jorge E. Núñez is a Reader in Legal and Political Philosophy and International Relations at Manchester Law School, UK and Visiting Professor at Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales, UNLP, Argentina.