Follow the performance assessment tools and methods currently used for concentrated solar power technology (CSP) in this unique, single source overview
The search for renewable energy sources and methods for harnessing them is perhaps the most significant challenge of the twenty first century, which faces the potentially existential crises of global climate change. Concentrated solar power, or CSP, has the potential to revolutionize energy production. Its integration of thermal energy and its capacity to work with traditional power generation cycles make it an ideal tool for a newly sustainable world.
Concentrated Solar Power Systems is an advanced-level book offering both theoretical and practical perspectives on CSP. Its thorough overview of this technology includes the foundational scientific principles, system design and development, and growing applications. It offers a one-stop source for the performance assessment tools and methods currently deployed in the area of concentrated solar power.
Readers will also find:
Case studies throughout showing CSP harnessed to meet real energy needs
Detailed discussion of topics including site selection, feasibility analysis, environmental assessments, and more
Analysis of specific technologies including linear Fresnel reflectors, parabolic troughs, concentrating photovoltaic systems, and many others
Concentrated Solar Power Systems is ideal for students and researchers involved or interested in the design, production, development, optimization, and application of CSP technology.
About the Authors xv Preface xvii Acknowledgments xix 1 Conventional Energy Sources 1 1.1 Energy Resources and Their Potential 2 1.2 Need for Renewable Energy Sources 10 1.3 Potential Renewable Energy Sources (RES) for Power Generation 12 1.4 Concentrating Optics 18 1.5 Limits on Concentration 20 1.6 Conclusion 21 2 Measurement and Estimation of Solar Irradiance 23 2.1 Introduction 23 2.2 Parabolas and Paraboloids 24 2.3 Power Cycles for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Systems 37 2.4 Energy Analysis and the Second Law of Thermodynamics 43 2.5 The Structure of the Sun 59 2.6 Radiation Instruments 61 2.7 Why Solar Energy Estimation? 62 2.8 Mathematical Models of Solar Irradiance 62 2.9 Diffuse and Global Energy 63 2.10 REST2 (Reference Evaluation of Solar Transmittance, 2 Bands) Model 64 2.11 Direct Energy 64 2.12 Diffuse and Global Energy 65 2.13 Regression Models 67 2.14 Intelligent Modeling 71 2.15 Fuzzy Logic-Based Modeling of Solar Irradiance 72 2.16 Artificial Neural Network for Solar Energy Estimation 80 2.17 Conclusion 89 3 Parabolic-Trough Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Systems 93 3.1 Introduction 93 3.2 Commercially Available Parabolic-Trough Collectors (PTCs) 97 3.3 Existing Parabolic-Trough Collector (PTC) Solar Thermal Power Plants 106 3.4 Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Costs 119 3.5 Effect of Constraints on Optimization 120 3.6 Heliostat Factors 121 3.7 Receiver Considerations: Cavity vs Flat vs Cylindrical Receivers 125 3.8 Variants on the Basic Central Receiver System 127 3.9 Field Layout and Land Use 130 3.10 Conclusion 131 4 Hybrid PV-CSP Systems 135 4.1 Hybrid Strategies 137 4.2 Noncompact Hybrid Strategies 137 4.3 Compact Hybrid Strategies 139 4.4 Hybrid PV-TS Systems 148 4.5 Innovative Hybrid Systems 149 4.6 Conclusion 153 5 Solar Fuels 157 5.1 Introduction to Solar Fuels 157 5.2 Solar Cracking and Reforming of Hydrocarbons 158 5.3 Indirect Heating Reactors 160 5.4 Solar Reforming of Natural Gas 162 5.5 Economic Aspects 165 5.6 Solar Pyrolysis and Gasification of Solid Carbonaceous Materials 166 5.7 Solar Fuel Production by Thermochemical Dissociation ofWater and Carbon Dioxide 171 5.8 Thermochemical Cycles Principle 174 5.9 Cycles with Volatile Oxides 176 5.10 Nonvolatile Oxide Cycles 178 5.11 Nonstoichiometric Oxide Cycles 179 5.12 Solar Reactor Concepts for Cycle Implementation 181 5.13 Decoupled Reactors 183 5.14 Conclusion 187 6 Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) Systems and Applications 191 6.1 Introduction 191 6.2 Fundamental Characteristics of Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) Systems 194 6.3 HCPV-Specific Characteristics 200 6.4 LCPV-Specific Characteristics 203 6.5 Medium Concentration Photovoltaic Devices (MCPV) 204 6.6 Design of Concentrating Photovoltaic (CPV) Systems 207 6.7 General System Design Goals 209 6.8 Introduction: Relevance of Energy Storage for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) 212 6.9 Liquid Storage Media: Two-Tank Concept 216 6.10 Liquid Storage Media: Steam Accumulator 219 6.11 Solid Media Storage Concepts 221 6.12 Solid Media with Integrated Heat Exchanger 221 6.13 Latent Heat Storage Concepts 224 6.14 Phase Change Material (PCM) Concept with Extended Heat Transfer Area 226 6.15 Conclusion 228 7 Hybridization of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) with Fossil Fuel Power Plants 231 7.1 Introduction 231 7.2 Solar Hybridization Approaches 232 7.3 The Role of Different Concentrators 233 7.4 Process Integration and Design 234 7.5 Hybridization Process and Arrangement 235 7.6 Case Study Design 238 7.7 Potential of Systems in China 241 7.8 Process Integration and Design 242 7.9 Major Equipment Design 243 7.10 Typical Demonstration Plant and Project 244 7.11 High-Temperature Solar Air Preheating 247 7.12 Solar Thermochemical Hybridization Plant 247 7.13 Conclusion 249 8 Grid Integration of PV Systems 251 8.1 Introduction 251 8.2 Grid-Connected PV Power Systems 251 8.3 Inverter Control Algorithms 254 8.4 Synchronous Reference Frame-Based Current Controller 255 8.5 Digital PI-Based Current Controller 256 8.6 Adaptive Notch Filter-Based Grid Synchronization Approach 256 8.7 Modeling, Simulation, and Hardware Implementation of Controllers 257 8.8 Conclusion 263 9 Optimization of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Plant Designs Through Integrated Techno-Economic Modeling 267 9.1 Introduction 267 9.2 The Most Recent Advancements in CSP Plant Design and Simulation 267 9.3 Economic Simulation 269 9.4 Solar Thermal Power Plant Design Procedure 269 9.5 Multivariable Optimization of Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) Plants 271 9.6 Overview of Optimization Methods 275 9.7 Case Study Definition: Optimization of a Parabolic Trough Power Plant with Molten Salt Storage 276 9.8 Applied Energetic and Economic Plant Models 278 9.9 Conclusion 280 References 281 Index 283
Bellamkonda Pragathi, PhD, MTech, is an Associate Professor at DVR & Dr HS MIC College of Technology, Kanchikacherla, India and currently holds 6 patents. D. P. Kothari, PhD, ME, is a Director of Research and Senior Professor at S.B. Jain Institute of Technology, Management and Research, Nagpur, India. Dr. Kothari obtained his PhD in 1976 from BITS-PILANI, Rajasethan, and has been honored as an IEEE Fellow after 50 years of professional experience.