Ram Yatan Prasad, PhD, DSc (India), DSc (hc) Colombo, is a professor of chemistry and former vice chancellor of S.K.M University, Jharkhand, India, and a life fellow of Indian Chemical Society and other societies of repute. He has been two times pro-vice chancellor in Bihar and Jharkhand. To his credit, he has been a member of editorial board in national journals. He has received an Outstanding Service Award from the Governor of Jharkhand. He has been chairperson of World Academy of Sciences, Paris, France, in the international conference and has received an Appreciation Award. He has more than 46 years of experience in teaching quantum chemistry, spectroscopy, and thermodynamics at the postgraduate level. Dr. Prasad is a prolific author of chemistry and has published many research papers in reputed journals to his credit. Pranita, PhD, DSc (hc) Sri Lanka, FICS, is an assistant professor of chemistry at Vinoba Bhave University, India. She has published many research papers in national and international journals to her credit. Her area of interest is thermodynamics of liquid state. She has 12 years of teaching experience in quantum chemistry, statistics, and liquid state.