ABOUT THE AUTHORS Mike Chappie, PhD, Security+, CySA+, CISSP, is Teaching Professor of IT, Analytics, and Operations at the University of Notre Dame. He’s a cybersecurity professional and educator with over 20 years of experience. Mike provides cybersecurity certification resources at his website, CertMike.com. David Seidl, Security+, CySA+, CISSP, PenTest+, is Vice President for Information Technology and CIO at Miami University. David co-led Notre Dame’s move to the cloud, and has written multiple cybersecurity certification books. Wiley has partnered up with Practice Labs, the IT Competency Hub, to give IT learners discounted access to their live, virtual Practice Labs. Connect to real devices using actual hardware and software straight from a web browser. Practice labs allow you to cement your theoretical studies with practical, hands-on experience. Master your IT skills and gain virtual world experience to increase your employability. Each purchase provides 6 months’ unlimited access. Ready to practice your IT skills?