Heide Schatten, PhD, is Associate Professor at the University of Missouri, Columbia. She is well published in the areas of cytoskeletal regulation in somatic and reproductive cells and on cytoskeletal abnormalities in cells affected by disease, cellular and molecular biology, cancer biology, reproductive biology, developmental biology, microbiology, space biology, and microscopy. A member of the American Society for Cell Biology, American Association for the Advancement of Science, Microscopy Society of America, and American Society for Gravitational and Space Biology, she has received numerous awards including grant awards from NSF, NIH, and NASA. Gheorghe M. Constantinescu, DVM, PhD, Drhc, is Professor of Veterinary Anatomy and Medical Illustrator at the College of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Missouri, Columbia. He is a member of the American, European and World Associations of Veterinary Anatomists and also author of more than 380 publications, including Clinical Anatomy for Small Animal Practitioners (Blackwell, 2002) translated in three languages. During his career of over 50 years, he has been honored by numerous invited presentations, awards, diplomas and certificates of recognition.
Fortunate collaboration of authors with complimentary backgrounds... The book contains numerous beautiful and highly detailed hand drawn illustrations of comparative anatomy and placentation. Despite [the] broad approach, there is an abundance of detailed information in many chapers that can be difficult to find in one place... an essential reference for veterinarians, graduate students, and scientists working or teaching in the field. - Interface It clearly acheives [its] goal, particularly with its chapters on the different types of assisted reproductive technology. Overall, [this book] will serve as a useful resource for veterinary institutions and research facilities. - Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science