Thomas Tufte is Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Leicester and Senior Research Associate at the University of Johannesburg
Tufte brings the significance of social change to life with eclectic and compelling illustrations across global contexts. This will be a classic text in conversations considering the importance of communication and the role of citizens in strategic social change. It is time for the field of communication for social change to take seriously the connections suggested in this book toward a more comprehensive framework. The attention here to social movements and political protests offers a welcome contribution to our scholarship and our practice. Karin Gwinn Wilkins, University of Texas at Austin The ever-relevant Tufte has reinvented himself. With sensitivity he has crafted a coruscating and masterly book. The tight post-disciplinary synthesis solidifies the claim that communication study has such a key role in the reinvention of the humanities. Anyone interested in communication, humanity, democracy and change must read this book! Colin Tinei Chasi, University of Johannesburg